We started October with a bang! Moving two donkeys, much loved by Abigail, to their new home as there is going to be a change in domicile for Abby. Everybody happy!
Followed by CUPBEARER leaving for his new home.
Followed by LADY FROST AND TREETOP FLYER being delivered to their new home.
We wish everybody the best of the best for their futures.
Followed by a Complaint about 2 donkeys in Forest hill who were brought in and the owner advised.
The very next day a Recheck on 4 donkeys, 4 ponies of various breeds.
The following day was all about collecting two surrendered horses and admitting them to the unit. Snapped up by a knowledgeable owner and rehomed and doing well soon thereafter!
Our Friend Shaun phoned needing a Penicillin injection for one of his horses that had cut its leg. Sorted with our Humansdorp vets.
Three Stray horses in Despatch reported but they appear to have been found by their owner.
A Complaint about donkeys on Glendore Road was attended by Stanley as soon as we got the message, which clearly was not how the Complainant saw it so a phoneall to the cowboys was made, wasting their very precious time! But sorted.
A visit to Princess and Hope for the AHS vaccinations found Stanley and Carla amazed at their condition. Lucky kids, they were ‘found and bought’ by a lady who has done nothing but do her best for them.
Our Mutti, having due to age, lost some condition but thanks to her ‘parent’ who put her on Coolstance, is improving daily. Go for is, Mutti aka Murjanah.
Rechecks are part of a programme of keeping up with the doings of our equines once they have been rehomed. We try to be as economical with time and diesel so we are known to go out in the morning with a list of those that need recheck. So sixteen horses were assessed again. Of course, this is after the initial Complaint!
A generous donation received into the bank account from an owner who had asked for handling assistance by Stanley and the grooms.
Another breakin in the office! They used a fence pole to bend and break the stable gate in order to gain access – and then stole 2 saddles and 4 bridles. But, thanks to the prompt service of OUTSURANCE, our riding is now sorted again.
In one of our previous newsletters I wrote about what appeared to be 3 different sets of stray stallions causing anger by other horse owners. But thanks to the horsey people in the area, some of the horses were brought in off the road and waiting for us to collect.
A generous donation of five of Flo Vernon’s book, Life’s a Ride, enjoy the Journey. Sorry, all sold!
Then we slotted in a visit with Rusty to the CATCARE 25th Birthday Celebration. Rusty enjoyed being fed carrot coins from young and old. Well done, Meg, Carla and Sally!
The concerned owner of Meid, a horse in Northern PE’s Jacksonville was quick to phone when his horse started showing signs of colic. She was brought in and the next day the Vet was asked to attend to her. And the next day, too. And the next day as well. We were all very excited when a piece of Checkers Packet was produced. But she still was not happy enough to go home. Luckily we kept her in for the weekend, and then the Vet instructed that she should have some exercise. Well, staff were shocked when plastic bags at least a metre and a half long started exiting her body. Stan gently removed it and now she has returned home, with the offending plastic in another plastic bag for the owner. Lucky escape, girlie!
The Paaaavlovaaaa Raffle went well and was won by Grant on his birthday and was much enjoyed by the family.
Our CRAYON and auntie NTOMBI left for their new home and have settled in. DUIKER also left us to work as a Companion Animal to a big horse.
On a Saturday night, Sally was delighted to leave her ironing in order to help get stray horses off the Sardinia Bay road. Thank you, Sally!
We had the privilege of having a Yard Sale at the Grassroof. Even though it was quiet, Rusty drew his own admirers who paid and took a handful of the gorgeous carrot coins (carrots supplied by Rhoda from her Birthday Party gifts).
And, although Stanley is a solid, and a very, very strong, upstanding citizen, was attacked in his Walmer Township shack by 8 people. Bravo, Stanley for fighting all 8 off! Stan not hurt, except perhaps his pride but they did not manage to take anything from him. Go get them, Tiger!
We are SO Thankful to our generous donors for donations of fodder, tack and for some, their time. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Donated tack – Treloar. Juanita, Celia
Ann - bread
FUNCTION WAREHOUSE – 10 bales grassmix
FEED AND SEED – donation of sweepings.
Dorrie – bags of sweepings and bags of leavings
SallyB - big bags lucerne donated.
ANTOINETTE - Colour Run – grass bales
VOLUNTEERS – Cayleigh, Dom, Thomas, Caley, Zaney. Isabel, Lisa, Janine, Hildegard and Bernady. Hildegard and Anneke, Eugene
On the last day of October, a bunch of Rechecks and Pre Home Checks done, even though it was waaaaay toooo hot!
Banking Details: Standard Bank Current
Account Number: 080733875
Universal Branch Code: 051001
Account: Eastern Cape Horse Care Unit (all donated monies are used by us in the Metro and beyond!)
Landline: 041 366 1594
Cellph: 072 357 2505
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fb: East Cape Horse Care Unit