I think it is worthwhile to mention it again. If you have seen a horse that is clearly in trouble (i.e. weight wise or bleeding to death), you need to phone the Unit direct, 072 357 2505, rather than reporting it to friends or Directors or putting it on Facebook. We are educated enough with wounds, and condition of equines, and are able to intervene without ‘stories’ being given out. It does not necessarily mean we are going to go in all guns blazing. We use tact and diplomacy to get the desired results. I don’t believe you would like to know that ‘everybody’ is discussing you and your horse.
A Complaint received about an underweight horse was attended to. But the Complaint was that we, the Unit, had not ‘done anything nor visited the equine’. But it just so happens that we had visited the horse three weeks prior and were working with the owner and the horse. It did rather get up our noses!!
Again, 3 donkeys escaped their property (of which we were unaware until we read about it on Facebook) But the clever donks had found their way to a Friend and shortly thereafter, were reunited with their owners.
A visit/recheck to the SAPS Mounted Unit was really worthwhile. We met the Provincial SAPS Inspector checking out the Unit’s horses. She and we were happy with their condition. It was good to meet up again with WO Lindelani and Greg who had helped us with the runaway horse at Perserverance all those years ago. Hugs all round!
One of our adopted out horses, although fully vaccinated and the Vet was called, she had succumbed to African Horse Sickness. But we know that she had an awesome life after being adopted out.
We were touched by a generous purchase made on our behalf of roof sheeting for the one Hospital camp to replace the shade cloth. Thank you, Chris! It was not long before the renovations were completed by all the Staff lending a hand!
A number of Complaints and Rechecks were done and we were happy with their condition or were able to advise on best practice.
An exciting surprise on arriving at work, we found that the Uitenhage jenny who had been admitted for a stab wound to the abdomen, had given birth to a foal overnight. All was well!
And the following day the donkey admitted from Lusaka (northern PE township) for hoofwork had produced her own little one! It was such a surprise! Both foals out in the Big Girls Camp and enjoying the space. Protea Childrens Home in Forest Hill phoned in a panic because their adopted donkey was lying down and looked ‘funny’. On arrival, Carla and Jessie found the donkey looked fine but he was not too happy to see them leave!
A donkey owner from Langa, Uitenhage phoned and requested that we collect his sick donkey. Despite intensive Vet treatments, nothing worked and the decision was made to euthanize. Poor boy.
Stanley went off on his Transkei Mission and visited three different areas and found that the horses were all looking in good condition. The starting stalls donated by Fairview Racecourse, now repaired, are making a huge difference for everyone. He also came across some donkeys that had been fighting and he attended their bite wounds.
Jess had a busy weekend because on the Sunday, a donkey that had had a run in with a vehicle. Euthanased as back and hind legs were broken. Well done, Jessie!
A deworming was done of ALL the horses and donkeys currently at the Unit. Well done, Carla and Jessie!
Our REBEL BARON safely delivered to his new home by Carla and Jessie.
And then we were requested to collect 4 donkeys surrendered to the Unit. 2 donkeys were collected and admitted. Followed by the collection of the other two donkeys a week later. Now available for Adoption.
A Complaint received that somebody’s horse was sick but there was no money for vet bills. Carla visited and found the horse to be suffering from Cynanchum! He has recovered well now.
An adopted out horse was found, along with his compatriots, having been ridden at night by the local township children, and the request was made to collect him and bring him in until the matter had been handled. This was done, and after some stealthy work done by the Livery Manager with assistance from the local SAPS, the culprits were found. Instead of yelling and shouting, it was decided to try the educational approach where they could come on weekends and learn the ‘right’ way. Well done, Kenneth!
A horse that may well have had colic went down in the mud and was unable to get to his hooves. Eventually, the owner did the necessary euthanasia and we were asked to collect the carcass. Done!
A complaint about a ‘thin’ horse with a foal at foot was received waaay down the coast. Carla and I visited and found that the foal was in very good nick but the mare was obviously being too a good mommy feeding her child well and therefore had lost some weight. Various recommendations made along with a Notice of Recommendation.
One of our adopted out donkeys had a foal (yes, mostly they come from the townships where the jennies are almost always pregnant when they arrive!) and the adoptive parent requested gelding of the little man. Done and paid for and returned to his ‘family’.
Another Kwanobuhle donkey had a broken leg, but Carla and Alfred went to collect him and do the necessary euthanasia.
Cindy – donated fresh cut grass cuttings.
James – donated kg’s of Carrots
Unknown – donated carrots and 5 bales lucerne , collected from FEED AND SEED.
Bonita – grass cuttings for donks
Dianne – Donated all Tack
Brenda - Donation of carrots
Nickie – Donated carrots
VOLUNTEERS – Amy, Lee Anne and Kayla, Eugene, Dante volunteer groom horses.
Goodness, almost six months since the start of 2019!!
Contact Details:
Cellphone 072 357 2505,
landline 041 3661954.
Bank Account: Eastern Cape Horse Care Unit, Standard Bank 080733875.